Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Should We Worship Technology?

Technology is a funny issue.  It is easy for most people to say that it has saved us and will in the future.  Ever since the industrial revolution technology has just been able to make things easier for people and that, to most, is a very good thing.  It has allowed us to do many more things than we used to and has opened the world of personal business and working at home to many people craving to get out of an office.  In the future, nanotechnology will change how we do things as well.  So yeah technology may save us from doing more work than we have to.
Do I believe that technology will save us environmentally? This is a belabored topic that deserves much attention.  That would mean that even if the large footprints in the world that will consume all of the Earth's resources, will eventually be able to make more.  I think that technology, for the most part has been the cause of much environmental degradation.  In fact, to say that it will save us is kind of like an oximoron.  How will technology save us, when it is mostly what is ruining us?
Maybe we could come up with new technology that will be really helpful in repairing what damage has been caused, but all of the energy and consumption that the technology will promote negates the fact that it is good for us and that it will be able to save the environment.  When we run out of resources from designing all of this new technology that can recreate anything we have lost, then what will we do? I think changes need to be made without fully relying on technology as the answer.  We need to adapt our lives to a shrinking world.  As more people enter the world, the Earth just gets smaller and smaller.  
There is no way that wasting all of the energy to find technology that can create more energy is an efficient way of dealing with the environmental situation or problem.

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