Monday, February 25, 2008

Eating and the Envirnment

Usually, I do not really think twice about what I eat, other than how it will affect my body.  This past week I have been more conscious of what I put into my body.  In response to Kedenard's post about her cup of ice cream, it really made me realize how something so small could make a huge effect.  I eat a lot of dairy, therefore I guess I use up a lot of cow products that, like she mentioned, eat a lot of the grain and other things.  This is a lot of energy just so that I could have yogurt or cheese on my sandwich.  I used to be a vegetarian, but it was not conducive to my activity level and I was not getting a lot of protein.  However, I was eating a lot of things that were not as taxing to the environment.  A lot of the grains that are fed to cows can be used to feed starving people around the world.  So basically I think that the thing I ate this week that had the most effects on the environment would be the amount of dairy that I ate or the Snapple teas I have consumed because of the fact that a lot of the bottles do not get recycled and that it a lot of energy gone to waste.

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