Sunday, February 24, 2008

How my ice cream single-handedly destroyed the Earth

First of all, this class was the ultimate introduction into how much what I eat affects the environment. I had always assumed that because some fruits and veggies were treated with pesticides and that it was somewhat harmful, but now, I am starting to realize that the environmental impact of what I eat is much more intricate. Nevertheless, it is quite lofty to think of the environment with every action I take including eating. Granted, this class has made me much more aware of my lifestyle, I still don't stop with every move to consider what my environmental impact is at that very moment--especially for food. I am sure that the fact that a lot of what I eat is processed and not so much local, this is much more harmful than wholesome, organic locally grown foods. As for what I ate today, I believe that the Snickers ice cream I had for dessert after dinner, was the most harmful to the environment. The chocolate came from cocoa plants grown in South American plantations which probably destroyed a whole football field worth of forest. The dairy came from cows who eat cornmeal and graze on pastures that contribute to soil erosion and its packaging, distribution and delivery contributed to exorbant wastes of energy. I am missing a lot of steps yet I can already see how much the environment went through just so I could have the cup of ice cream that I didn't need to have.

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