Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney

I chose to look at the platforms by Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney.
I think that Hillary Clinton has a clearer and more detail and reliable environmental plan compared to Mitt Romney’s. I think that Clinton can be categorized as Market Liberals since she emphasizes on investment plans for technology development, for instance, a $50 billion the Strategy Energy Fund. She has a clear and a detail plans and goals which focus on global warming to seek a better solution for it. Particularly, she set goals for reduction of the carbon emissions and show her motivation to participate globally in fighting against the carbon emissions which President Bush did not really do or complete.
I think that Mitt Romney is also categorized as Market Liberal. What his plan focuses on is energy independence. Hillary also includes energy independence on her platform, however, Romney completely focuses on the energy independence and emphasizes its importance on his plans such as increasing domestic production for pursuing domestic sources of energy development, promoting nuclear technology etc. Overall, as I read his platform on environmental issue, he only focuses on energy independence which is completely different from Hillary’s. (Actually, I think Huckabee approaches similarly) His plan sounds great but seems a little narrow and I would question about other issues such as global warming.

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